Sunday, January 23, 2022

Introduction to Wine


    My personal experiences with wine are extremely limited. As a child in church we would drink communion wine... that was really just grape juice, even for the adults. My parents were never shy with letting us try sips of alcohol so that it wasn't such a taboo subject as we came closer to adulthood, but I think I probably took a sip of my mom's wine once, spat it out and never wanted to try it again. I have tried a few cheap grocery store wines that my friends insisted I would like, but I really never did. I'm not a big drinker and honestly don't really enjoy alcohol as a whole. 

    So why am I taking this class? Because Dr. Boyer teaches it, and it is recommended basically to every senior. I thought "why not try to expand my horizons?". I have been a picky eater my whole life, and for about the past year and a half I have been trying to expose and desensitize myself to new foods to grow as a person. This class will force me to try new wines and cheeses, go to new locations I would've never otherwise been and also learn about something I might end up really liking.

    I learned a little bit about the process of making wine in the course Mysterious Molds and Mushrooms, but I would like to learn more about how exactly wines are made and how they can all be so different, and still considered wine. I'd like to learn especially about how wine pairings are made, and why particularly are they so good together. Lastly, I'd like to come out of this with a new appreciation for alcohol so that maybe I'm more fun at parties in the future. 

Here's a picture of me in New Zealand in 2019, on my study abroad trip with the Geography department:

Thanks for reading!


Saraceno Negroamaro Rosato

  Saraceno Negroamaro Rosato      This wine is called Saraceno Negroamaro Rosato by Saraceno Italian Estates and is made with 100% Negro...